Australian Dollar Commentary for 20-Apr-10

Australian Dollar Commentary
Tables & Charts


L1. 0.9005 0.9365

L2. 0.8760 0.9470

L3. 0.8555 0.9620

Australian Dollar Focus
Day's Change 52-Week High 52-Week Low



Points % Date Value Date Value
Exchange Rates


AUD/CHF This marker indicates the current chart. 0.9898 0.0035 0.35% 7-Apr-10 0.9971 27-Apr-09 0.8136
AUD/JPY This marker indicates the current chart. 86.3830 0.4733 0.55% 14-Apr-10 87.4177 27-Apr-09 67.7045
CAD/AUD This marker indicates the current chart. 1.0633 -0.0005 -0.05% 27-Apr-09 1.1654 6-Nov-09 1.0117
GBP/AUD This marker indicates the current chart. 1.6533 0.0015 0.09% 9-Jul-09 2.0830 29-Mar-10 1.6319
USD/AUD This marker indicates the current chart. 1.0750 -0.0037 -0.35% 20-Apr-09 1.4261 14-Apr-10 1.0688
EUR/AUD This marker indicates the current chart. 1.4518 -0.0018 -0.12% 27-Apr-09 1.8497 7-Apr-10 1.4372
Interest Rates


USD 3M LIBOR This marker indicates the current chart. 0.3100% 0.0050% 1.61% 20-Apr-09 1.1010% 3-Feb-10 0.2490%


All Ordinaries This marker indicates the current chart. 4,949.50 10.14 0.20% 15-Apr-10 5,024.14 22-Apr-09 3,627.20
NASDAQ This marker indicates the current chart. 2,480.11 0.00 0.00% 15-Apr-10 2,515.69 20-Apr-09 1,608.21
S&P 500 This marker indicates the current chart. 1,197.52 0.00 0.00% 15-Apr-10 1,211.67 20-Apr-09 832.39

source: DTN Market Access


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